Monday, February 15, 2010

I really must remember my passwords.. or at the very least write them down! February is half over.. hard to believe. I just passed the 1 year mark with the boyfriend. I am very happy and thankful for that relationship. And in a little over a month my baby will be 9. Not so much a baby anymore.. I have been doing lots of crocheting lately which is GREAT. im catching on quickly and starting to read the patterns rather than have to have someone show them to me all the time!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Long time no see.

So its been a while. Im not great with the remembering. I totally can not believe that its almost the end of January! In 2 months my little baby is going to be 9. I have been learning how to crochet. Well not so much learn as perfect my craft. I can now make circles, scarfs, and granny squares. Hunter has a new little brother at his dad's house, and there is a sock monkey blanket pattern that i want to try to tackle for him.